Clarence Peters tells you what you need to get into film Part 1
Do you have dreams of becoming a film maker? Are you passionate about creating movies, documentaries or music videos but feel that you can’t do it because you don’t know ‘Clarence Peters’ personally or have the most high-end equipment and you don’t live in Hollywood, Lagos or the entertainment centre of your country?
Then this is just for you because I don’t think the filmmaking in the future will be solely centred around Hollywood, Lagos or wherever is hot right now, It will be guys and girls like you, independent filmmakers who will be the future of the film industry and the art of filmmaking. In today’s world a phone, camera, computer and internet connection means you can make that dream come true. You can begin to shape your ideas into actual films right now!
We live in one of the most exciting times ever where if you take the right steps and be consistent you can achieve almost anything you would like to. All you have to do is take action and begin following that dream of yours.
If you are looking for extra inspiration to get your creative juices flowing?
You can find videos that may inspire you at our youtube channel

I will write this blog in a few parts exploring how you can get started in film and build an exciting career.
Making a film usually involves a team of people and not just an individual and this is the case most of the time for all sorts of productions from movies to commercials and even music videos. Different people play different roles and ultimately bring the film to life.
Take a look at the credits on any film you watch (or just watch HEX). You can see a long list of people who played their part in making the film.

Young people interested in film often tell me they want to be Clarence Peters but you don’t have to be me or a Super multi award winning Hollywood Director to work in film…so let’s take a look at what you can do?
You might want to get into screenwriting and storytelling, directing, producing or work with the lights or the cameras. There are so many different options for you to consider when thinking of what role you can play in making movies, commercials, documentaries or music videos. You could of course pick one and just stick with that or you can get a taste of several and find which one is perfect for you.
What is most important is that you begin. Get practice and with time you will develop real skill.
You can hire gear if you want to and you can even find free locations. You will need a minimum of a camera operator, a sound mixer and an editor. Don’t spend time focused on what you don’t have but take advantage of what you do have and get started right NOW!